2024 is almost over and our HQ got a lot busier than usual. Our editors were tasked to pick their 10 favorite albums of the year, a task seemingly mundane but, factually, incredibly frustrating. The guidelines were, much like every year, clear: 10 albums/any genre/in no particular order. Others chose to play it safe in the genres they are experts in, others chose to combine genres, but ultimately most people cracked; in some cases the final lists were changed multiple times, some final lists were turned in last minute, and of course some people had minor breakdowns and explicitly asked to never do it again in the future.
If our woes amuse you, then by all means keep reading, to see which albums mildly traumatized won our editors over, and maybe you'll discover a little gem that you missed out on.
Eleonora Chatzopoulou
Night Rider - S/T
Counterparts - "Heaven Let Them Die" EP
Starve - "Life's Promise Dies"
Bodysnatcher - "Vile Conduct"
Knocked Loose - "You Won't Go Before You're Supposed To"
Kanonenfieber - "Die Urkatastrophe"
The Hope Conspiracy - "Tools of Oppression/Rule by Deception"
Like Moths To Flames - "The Cycles Of Trying To Cope"
Fit For An Autopsy - "The Nothing That Is"
Dimitris Tsitas
Allt - "From The New World"
Alpha Wolf - "Half Living Things"
Bring Me The Horizon - " POST HUMAN: NeX GEn"
Coilguns - "Odd Love"
Knocked Loose - "You Won't Go Before You're Supposed To"
Kublai Khan TX - "Exhibition Of Prowess"
Night Verses - "Every Sound Has A Color In The Valley Of Night"
Starve - "Life's Promise Dies"
Thrown - "Excessive Guilt"
While She Sleeps - "Self Hell"
Erik Ghint
Alkaline Trio - "Blood, Hair and Eyeballs"
Sum41 - "Heaven / Hell"
Bayside - "There are Worse Things than Being Alive "
One Step Closer - "All You Embrace"
Bring Me the Horizon - "Post Human: Nex Gen"
The Story So Far - "I Want to Disappear"
Bad Nerves - "Still Nervous"
State Champs - "State Champs"
Linkin Park - "From Zero"
Drug Church - "Prude"
Sabrina Schiavinato
Blood Incantation - “Absolute Elsewhere”
Panzerfaust - “The Suns of Perdition - Chapter IV: To Shadow Zion”
Spectral Wound - “Songs of Blood and Mire”
Hulder - “Verses in Oath”
Forndom - “Moþir”
Fulci - “Duck Face Killings”
Witch Vomit - “Funeral Sanctum”
Schammasch - “The Maldoror Chants: Old Ocean”
Blaze of Perdition - “Upharsin”
Whoredom Rife - “Den Verde Makt”
Peterson Marti
Aara - "Eiger"
Kanonenfieber - "Die Urkatastrophe"
Gorgon - "For Those Who Stay"
Seth - "La France des Maudits"
Panzerfaust - "The Sons of Perdition - Chapter lV: To Shadow Zion"
Ensiferum - "Winter Storm"
Spectral Wound - "Songs of Blood and Mire"
Ellende - "Todbringerin"
Akhlys - "House of the Black Geminus"
Mörk Gryning - "Fasornas Tid"
Philip Dellas
Akhlys - "House of the Black Geminus"
Blood Incantation - "Absolute Elsewhere"
Ulcerate - "Cutting the Throat of God"
Vitriol - "Suffer & Become"
Bythos - "Cthonic Gates Unveiled"
Spectral Wound - "Songs of Blood and Mire"
Necrowretch - "Swords of Dajjal"
Panzerfaust - "The Suns of Perdition IV: To Shadow Zion"
Wormwitch - "Wormwitch"
From our family to yours, happy holidays and a bright new year!
The Unraveled team
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