Live Coverage || Birds In Row, Blame Kandinsky @ Temple, Athens, 19/05/2023

  On May 19th I was able to see a show I had been looking forward to for the longest time. French post hardcore heroes, Birds In Row, would be performing for the first time in Athens following the cancellation of their initial date three months prior. I first saw the band back in 2013 on a tour with Sick Of It All and Bane, and having just been acquainted to their sound, I was blown away by their show. That post hardcore/screamo scene was truly blooming back then, and the Laval trio was riding that wave along with some other, very notable French bands. Our second encounter came in 2015, on a show with Modern Life Is War and Terrible Feelings. That one was not just a blow to our feels, I still remember their insane energy despite the bad sound and all the crying at the end of the night. Eight years later, Birds In Row was armed with a brand new album, "Gris Klein", and ready to continue their legacy at their first-ever show in Athens.

The venue was quite packed when openers Blame Kandinsky came out. The quartet is about to embark on their first tour and kicked it off in the best way possible. Over 45', the band showcased once more how bloody good they are at what they're doing, despite some minor technical problems early on. Blame Kandinsky have recently released their second album, "Electric Ruiner", so a good chunk of the setlist was dedicated to promoting it. These guys are always a pleasure to see on stage; their energy is contagious and even if you don't like their sound you simply can't look away. 

During changeover, people kept rushing to the front, instead of going out for a breather. By the time Birds In Row got on, the venue was packed, both on the ground floor and on the balcony. The band made their entrance at around 22:30 to a very warm and welcoming crowd, and one thing's for sure -they do know how to captivate the audience. Birds In Row's stage presence balances between professionalism and passion, with the band pouring their heart and soul into what they do and having a good time doing it. The band had people at the front moving, while they were building the intensity with every song. It is also worth noting how much their lightshow enhances their storytelling and the overall ambience.

Unfortunately, much like many others, I couldn't resist the temptation and looked up the setlist before the show, in the hopes that maybe they would be paying homage to the older songs -you know, first time being here and all- so I was a little disappointed to hear "Gris Klein" dominating the speakers. Don't get me wrong, it is a good album, but not what made me love this band, and having already experienced what emotions those older songs bring out, there was a rather nostalgic craving. I can only speak for myself here, obviously, but I think my point is validated by the mere fact that the impromptu jam of "You, Me & The Violence" that ended the performance, is where more people actively participated in. That, in combination with the low visibility deriving from how crowded the room was, led me to not fully enjoy the show.

This is not to say that Birds In Row did a bad job in any way; beyond my personal experience, their appearance was objectively solid and the band seemed to have a really good time performing for the eager Greek crowd. Hopefully next time we will accommodate them in a bigger room. 

All pictures courtesy of Dearohwell photography.

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