Review || Jesus Piece - "...So Unknown"


Jesus Piece released their sophomore album, "...So Unknown", on April 14th 2023. The new LP comes five years after the acclaimed "Only Self", which broke new ground for the band on an international level. This new recording is their first release on Century Media records and consists of 10 songs. Don't let the cover fool you; Jesus Piece are not here to play, they're here to slay.

 The band gets straight to business. When I reviewed "Only Self", I wrote that if there's one word to describe it (well, technically two), it would be pissed off. Well, "...So Unknown" manages to take it up a notch, if that's even possible. It's the soundtrack of running through a wall. Or onto ongoing traffic. In less than 30' the Philadelphia outfit brings out primitive, almost vile emotions. Their metallic hardcore remains "dirty" and unpolished, while the distortion feels like a drill to the skull. Jesus Piece don't compromise their intensity for commercial success, despite signing to a big label with a very different roster sonically, and continue creating with their own terms, which I find amazing. Even when the tempo drops, the result is equally pulverizing, and one can only assume how deathly these breakdowns will be at a live show.

"...So Unknown" is also a deeply personal album where vocalist Aaron Heard opens up about his struggles with addiction as well as the effect of fatherhood. Its inherent darkness blends these feelings of uncertainty and perseverance with glimmers of hope, expressed through beastly growls and sharp distortion. Jesus Piece negotiates violence with simplicity in every single chug and bass line, balancing the noise of their early material with their inevitable evolution as songwriters. The result is striking, as none of the songs feel over the top but not barren either. This terser approach seems to suit them, as they reshape the confines of their sound but without making drastic changes. The production doesn't dull any rough edges either, allowing the instrumentation to be big and at the same time to maintain a live feel. 

Overall, "...So Unknown" has the potential to redefine the genre. Jesus Piece have crafted a truly remarkable record which further solidifies their creative integrity. It evokes strong feelings of uneasiness and enriches them with hostile guitarwork and roaring drums. This is the natural next step for the band and I'm here and ready for whatever is to follow.


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