Genre-bending, modern post-metalcore quartet, Crown The Empire, have shared their brand new single, “Immortalize”. The new track is catapulted by 2022 touring highlights including the summer's The Fallout 10 Year Anniversary Tour, one of the band's most successful headline tours of their career, and the fall leg of Knotfest Roadshow, supporting Slipknot and Ice Nine Kills. “Immortalize”, produced and mixed by Zach Jones (Fever 333, Poorstacy, Scene Queen, Nova Twins), features the band’s signature sound of massive angular riffs, anthemic melodies, and sweeping electronic elements.
“‘Immortalize’ is about the fear of being forgotten once we pass on. It questions mortality, the existence of a higher being, and struggles to find meaning in the inevitable”, says vocalist Andy Leo. “Time is the only currency that can’t be replaced and there’s no way of ensuring we’ll leave a legacy worth remembering. All we can do is try and make our marks before we’re gone forever”.
Crown the Empire have steadily established themselves over the past decade as a force of nature in the rock world. They have shared stages with Slipknot, A Day To Remember, Dance Gavin Dance, Black Veil Brides, Falling in Reverse, Underoath, and more. To date, the band has released four studio albums - “The Fallout” (2012), “The Resistance: Rise of The Runaways” (2014), “Retrograde” (2016), and “Sudden Sky” (2019) - garnering praise from Alternative Press, Billboard, Kerrang!, Nylon, Rock Sound, and more. Their impressive catalog has earned them 675M streams worldwide and 130M YouTube views.
Crown The Empire is Andy Leo (vocals), Brandon Hoover (guitar), Hayden Tree (bass/vocals), and Jeeves Avalos (drums).
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