Live Coverage || Cosmic Void Festival (24-25/09/2022)

 What better setting for a full black metal festival? It's September, so clearly getting those autumn vibes around, it's London and we are in Camden Town! Cosmic Void made its first-ever edition in the Underground heart of London (pun intended), with a 2-day event, fully dedicated to the many shades of black metal, with some familiar faces from the UK scene and some less familiar bands even from overseas.

Let's deep dive into the two days by stages!

Words by Sabrina Schiavinato
Pictures by Peterson Marti

Saturday, started with some True English Black Metal, capitalised by Heathen Deity (UK) and Ninkharsag (UK) at The Underworld stage. These guys have been around for a very long time, I mean a long time, 1998 and 2009 respectively and undeniably solid influences on the scene in the UK. 

At the same stage, we had Odium Humani Generis (PL) with their classic and dark riffs, all lyrics in Polish, building up a melancholic atmosphere that served amazingly for the performance.

Following, the Danish trio Make a Change…Kill Yourself hit the stage in their UK debut performance, truly mesmerizing. If you are looking into DSBM, this is the band to settle the benchmark.

Only two more bands to close the night at The Underworld, Archgoat (FI) and Forgotten Tomb (IT). Side note to the organisation that was genuinely impossible to fit all that public in The Underworld due to its capacity, nevertheless their performance was excellent and worthy of the squeeze. But we managed to catch Forgotten Tomb just in time before getting a deserved break. These guys are so intense and dedicated to what they do. A truly breathtaking performance that invokes other sonorities rather than just black metal.

A whistle-stop to the 4 bands starting with E, that took over the Electric Ballroom stage: Endezzma (NO), Ellende (AT), Endstille (DE) and Enthroned (BE), 4 different shades of black metal.

Norwegians Endezzma open the set with some gritty and powerful riffs, followed by aggressive blast beats. With over 15 years on the road, Endezzma delivered all their experience on the stage and for first-timers like us, they didn't disappoint. 

Next on the bill was Ellende which we were very excited to see. Truly a band that is very difficult to catch, so it was a privilege to be there and enjoy their UK debut gig supporting the new album release, “Ellenbogengesellschaft”, that would occur in the following week.

Endstille brought their German black metal back to the UK after 7 years. Veterans of the German BM scene founded in 2000 delivered a fast and aggressive performance. Another first-time-seen band that left good impressions and a sore neck on the first day.

Later, when Enthroned got to the stage, the crowd was ready for the moshpit: their music is powerful and they are not strangers in the BM scene. Their set included songs from the latest album “Cold Black Suns” and previous ones like “Obsidian”.

The day ended with the Norwegian pioneers Carpathian Forest and Mysticum.

Despite all the years on the road, and the rumours surrounding the band, Carpathian Forest, a legend of the Norwegian BM scene, truly knows how to deliver a brilliant performance! They’ve brought the Black Shining Leather set to Cosmic Void, with classics like "Sadomasochistic" and “A Forest” ( The Cure cover), also “All My Friends Are Dead” (Turbonegro cover) with Roger Rasmussen’s son on vocals.

Mysticum closes on the first night of this festival. Oh well what can we say, we know is not everyone's cup of tea, but they are unique in what they do and I truly believe no one ever gets closer to their style. “Far”, “Fist of Satan” and “Kingdom Comes” are a few of the songs we managed to spot during their mesmerising performance.

Day 2! Again, we start with some UK acts: Fen, who open this second day with their atmospheric and experimental sonorities. There is something with this band that cannot be explained: the band's melodies take you away to a different planet but with a blink of an eye, they take you back to earth with the double bass hitting heavily.

Seth. The name preceded the act. One of the first bands that introduced black metal in the French scene and they were probably one of the most awaited bands of the festival. Their set includes songs from “La Morsure Du Christ” mostly, the latest album released in 2021.

Next on the big stage, we have the Norwegians from In The Woods. Heavyweights in the northern metal scene, they've been around since the early 90s and gifted us with their Avant-garde BM. They will be releasing a new album later this November, so keep your eyes open.

Harakiri for the Sky (AT) took the stage and there was a full crowd waiting. They delivered a very nice set including “Fire, Walk With Me” and “I, Pallbearer”. 

It is now time for Kampfar. What to say? We've never seen anything like this before. The energy, the stage ownership, the interaction with the crowd, these guys are down to earth and delivered one of the brilliant shows within this festival, including the latest single release "Rekviem".

Don't want to bother anyone with Rotting Christ and how much people love them, but surely they were in very good shape. We know it will be a good show when Rotting Christ performs last and closes the night in the Electric Ballroom Camden, and it was, as usual, they delivered a killer set including “Grandis Spiritus Diavolos” and “In Yumen-Xibalba”. Not to mention that they were celebrating their 35th anniversary with the Summer Rituals Tour 22, so it was the black cherry on top. 

Moving back to The Underworld stage, we had Tableau Mort (UK) starting the ritual at The Underworld. A London-based outfit that stands out with its music with well-crafted songs that bring more than just classic black metal, falling into a more experimental sound at times. If you are into this sub-genre, check out their latest album, “Visio In Somniis”. 

Later we had Sortilegia (CA) and Akhlys (US). Let's start with Sortilegia first; when we got to the venue everything was pitch dark, no lights whatsoever, but we could hear the music. The band performs in the dark with only a dimmed light of a candle, creating a surreal and mystical atmosphere. It left us wondering if we were still in London or had suddenly been transported to some sort of catacomb.

Akhlys, on the other hand, set the underworld stage on fire! The air got so thick, thick as the skin as those guys playing aggressive riffs, monstrous fast drumming and hypnotic melodies of nightmare tales. 

In between Sortilegia and Akhlys, we managed to squeeze ourselves into the crowd to see Hetroertzen (SE). In this exclusive UK show, they prepared an aggressive set surrounded by darkness and mysticism, with songs from the latest album “Phosphorus Vol I”, “Vultus Satanis” and “I am Sickness, I am Death”.

Two acts left for the festival, Whoredome Rife (NO) and Darvaza (NO). Both heavyweights of the BM scene, forged from the True Norwegian Black Metal roots. Brutal, that is how we describe it as we contemplate the ferocity and aggressiveness of their music. 

Time to go. Undoubtedly Cosmic Void was a success, definitely was worth the wait and we are looking to attending next year!

Stay metal!

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