Profiler Release Hypnotising New Video For "Glitch Theory"

 With just under a month until the release of their debut EP on the 24th June, and a slot on Download Festival's RIP stage on the horizon, Profiler have dropped a hypnotising new video for new single "Glitch Theory".

Frontman Mike Evans comments: "There is a strong argument that the world we perceive and experience is a simulated reality. The track discusses the idea that when we are watching screens it takes away the pain and stress of modern society. By hypnotising the individual (plugging in) the Simulation takes us in, allowing us to fall away from physical reality into the digital mainframe.' Television, gaming and smartphones, if used in moderation can be valuable. But in modern times this has become a dangerous and addictive drug.  A Lot of my inspiration comes from Terrence McKenna's conversations around the phenomenon of the technological singularity".

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