The Devil Wears Prada released their recent EP, "ZII", in May and it's safe to say it threw a damn curve ball in the metalcore scene. Mature and aware of their potential, the band picked up where they left off with the now-cult EP "Zombie" eleven years ago and guitarist Jeremy DePoyster analyzed the process behind "ZII".
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Credit: Dearohwell photography |
U: Last time we spoke, you guys had just released “The Act”. What happened for the band in between?
Jeremy DePoyster: Oh many things! [laughs] But I think pandemic situation was the main point between “The Act” and “ZII”! After the release of “The Act” we started with a first part of shows, but as you know due to the virus we were forced to stay at home as you and every person of the world! In the meantime we started the process of songwriting for “ZII” and now I hope to be finally ready to start a new tour very soon!
U: “ZII” has been out for two months now. How’s the reception been so far?
J.DP.: I’m totally surprised every time, our fans are simply incredible and every time their reaction is a lovely surprise for us. In this case the result is fantastic, with the vinyl version of the EP sold out in a couple of weeks after the announcement!
U: When “ZII” was first announced, some fans were skeptical thinking that you’d be selling nostalgia or returning to the older sound because the last album was too experimental. After all these years, does it ever get tiring to prove naysayers wrong in such a triumphant way?
J.DP.: It's a difficult and fascinating question because as you know, if you are an artist you are always “in battle” with this type of considerations. But at the same time I think it’s not a problem, especially after years and years of career. But if you like our style, our approach, I think that you have a clear idea about how we work on a new release.
U: So, the most asked question. Other than the pandemic, what inspired the creation of “ZII”? How did the idea come about and why did you choose this point of your career to release it?
J.DP: Honestly we talked about a sequel from years, first of all because the first EP was an important step of our career. The connection is pretty much just in concept, as Mike chose to approach a new storyline for the EP with new lyrical content and ideas. Tonally, we really wanted to capture the fury and the aggressive attitude from the original EP but in a more contemporary sound, so while we did reach back for those dissonant chords and riffs, it feels current rather than just leaning on the last EP!
U: How is the composition of a metalcore opera, for lack of better definition, different than non-concept album?
J.DP: Honestly, it was not too much difficult or different [laughs] We were so tired of being stuck at home and not able to play shows that having a musical project to pour ourselves into was huge. The internet made it easy to send ideas back and forth, and with Kyle and Jon (on guitar and keyboards / producer of the EP) living in the same city, they could literally punch guitars and other parts in whenever they wanted. We love to cut out as many steps between our ideas and the finished product as possible and this was the easiest way to do that!
U: What was the biggest challenge that you faced revisiting the subject of a zombie apocalypse eleven years later?
J.DP: I think this question would be perfect for Mike, because he worked directly on the lyrics concept of this EP, in my case the only idea was to play heavy, heavy stuff! ahaha
U: While we’re on the subject, are you guys fans of zombie fiction? If so, do you have any favorite authors?
J.DP: Many… If you want some names I think that Scott Browne, Stephen King, Charlie Higson are a good point of start if you want an idea about zombie novel!
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Credit: Dearohwell photography |
U: For the most part, the lyrical concept of the EP can also be interpreted on a bigger scale as a social criticism, with the virus representing a plethora of different conditions. For you, what are the main issues that society would need to correct or wipe out in order to move forward?
J.DP.: Ohhh, I think we need to spend hours to have a good list of points! [laughs] But respect for the environment/nature, racism, a green attitude in your daily life, a good quality life for each person of this world would be a good starting point.
U: How do you feel that the “Zombie” EP has reached a cult status for your fans?
J.DP: I think because it was totally unexpected by our fans, something of new, unusual, heavy… It was not a classic release of TDWP, with a classic metalcore attitude… And for this reason it was special for our fans…
U: Your house is on fire. You only have time to grab 3 things before running away. Pets and family are safe. What do you take?
J.DP: Ahaha! OK, in this case my favorite guitar, a couple of shoes and books!
U: We are done, thank you for your time. Any final words for your fans in Greece?
J.DP.: I love your country, really! Hope to see you very soon on stage!
Purchase/stream "ZII" here.
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