Live Coverage || Modern Life Is War, Cro-Mags, Higher Power @ Petit Bain, 22/6/2018

After two years of absence, and with new music in their arsenal, Iowa's own Modern Life Is War returned to Europe for a string of club shows and festivals. 

I was able to catch a show in France, along with Cro-Mags and Higher Power.
The Brits took the stage at 19:30. Having already seen Higher Power in the city a few months prior, I was expecting greater participation from the crowd. The band had every good intention to engage more people but unfortunately, the generation that was waiting for Cro-Mags is not very familiar with that scene. Although the turnout wasn't very bad, I was sad to see just a couple of kids (whom I'm pretty sure I remember from the last time) showcasing their incredible gymnastics skills. (7)

Higher Power

Cro-Mags was next. I had very high hopes after the madness that The Sound Of Revolution was, and to a certain extent I wasn't disappointed when the first stagedives occurred. Sure, I wouldn't mind more participation from the crowd that seemed to know all the words to the classic hymns, but I was very content with the vibe of the band to mind the horseshoe gap forming behind the third row. (8)

After a short intro, Modern Life Is War stormed on stage. Missing a couple of members didn't stop the quartet from delivering a highly charged show like they usually do. It didn't take long for people to pull up to the front and start screaming their lungs out. Or casually stepping on stage, stealing mics and singing an entire song. I've said it quite a few times over the past couple of days; although I consider myself quite articulate, I don't have the words to properly describe this band's energy, intensity and passion on stage. (10)

Modern Life Is War

Modern Life Is War

Modern Life Is War

Modern Life Is War

Modern Life Is War

Modern Life Is War

Modern Life Is War

Modern Life Is War

Modern Life Is War

Modern Life Is War

Modern Life Is War

Modern Life Is War

Modern Life Is War

Modern Life Is War

Modern Life Is War









Higher Power

Higher Power

Higher Power

Higher Power

Higher Power

Higher Power

Higher Power

All pictures courtesy of Dearohwell photography
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